Frequently Asked Questions
Here are the questions we get asked all the time about our Beeswax wraps so these should answer most of your questions! If they don't please contact us and we will do our best to help.
Which pack should I choose?
The Kitchen Pack is a great starting place. There are 3 wraps, a small medium and large (20, 25 and 30cm). This means you have a wrap for almost every eventuality whether you are using them in the kitchen or in lunch boxes. The Sandwich Wrap is the large wrap with a wooden button and twine for extra wrapping security. Perfect for keeping snacks and lunch safe when they just get thrown into your bag with everything else!
If you love the large size wraps, have a look at our Super Sized Kitchen Pack where you can choose your three fabric choices.
For the biggest wrap yet, to wrap loaves of bread, fruit cakes or large dishes, The Big Wrap is your go to wrap!
The simplest and most effective way to keep your bread fresh is with one of our waxed bread bags. It fits all but the biggest loaves, easy to use and clean and can even be used in the freezer. We use our for keeping salad fresh when we don't have bread in it!
If you just need to top up your collection or want to try beeswax wraps for the first time then take a look at our Unwrapped section for single small and medium sized wraps.
Are they reusable?
Yes! Just wash, allow to dry and use them again and again.
How long do they last?
They should last for up to a year (maybe even longer) with the right care and an occasional refresh. Care and refresh instructions come with every pack. We have some customers who are using 3-4 year old wraps still!

How do I wash them?
Wash them in cold soapy water. I use a natural bristle washing up brush or a cloth and then rinse and hang them up to dry or leave them to dry in the drainer. Have a look at this YouTube video.
For our waxed bags, turn them inside out, wash as above and when they are dry, turn them back the right way and start using them again.
Are they sticky like clingfilm?
Yes! The beeswax in our wraps give them a certain amount of stickiness, but the secret ratio of pine resin and the jojoba oil add to the stickiness and flexibility. They cling to the side of bowls and stick to themselves when wrapping items like cheese and sandwiches.

How do I use them?
They are really versatile. To cover a bowl, just place the wrap over the top and use the heat of your hands to mould the wrap to the sides of the bowl. Or place your food item in the middle of the wrap and fold the corners in to completely cover the food and again mould the wrap round to give a complete seal. They are great for all sorts of items like cheese, half an avocado, apple or onion, sandwiches, cake or you can make a pouch to carry snacks like nuts, carrot sticks or sweets!
You can also use our wax wraps in the freezer. Wrap your food item securely, ensuring a good seal and then place in the freezer. When you take them out, let the wrap warm up slightly before unwrapping to avoid creasing and cracking the wax.
There are videos of how to use your wraps and make pouches on our Facebook page and YouTube channel.
What are they made with?
Our wraps are made with local Anglesey beeswax, pine resin and organic jojoba oil. This special blend makes the wraps super sticky and really easy to use.
The fabric is 100% GOTS certified organic cotton (all the fabric used meets the Oeku-Tex Standard 100 making it safe for human health and the environment) and the packaging is from FSC certified wood to make sure it is sustainable.

Where are they made?
All our products are made by hand here on Anglesey in North Wales. The beeswax comes from ten miles down the road, the packaging comes from a local company and a local organisation has helped with the translation to make the packs bilingual.
What is Cymraeg?
It’s Welsh! We live in Wales and the welsh language is the first language for most of the population. So having bilingual packaging was really important.
Can I put them in the microwave and dishwasher?
No and no!
The heat will melt the wax and ruin your wrap and quite probably the dishwasher and microwave too!

What can’t I use them on?
Raw meat and fish or hot food or bowls.
What do I do with the wraps when they lose their stickiness?
You can refresh the wraps as per instructions on the packaging to bring back the stick factor. Eventually you will either need to re wax them with our re wax blocks. Or you can put them in the compost, use them as firelighters and then buy some new ones! For more information take a look here!
Anything else I should know?
Yes! They are flammable, so keep them away from naked flames. Unless of course you are using our eco friendly Fire Lighters!
Why use organic cotton?
Healthier soil - organic farmers use natural methods like composting to create healthy soil. Healthy soil acts like a sponge, soaking up water during floods and holding it for longer during droughts.
No polluting pesticides - hazardous synthetic pesticides need to be diluted to bring them to 'safe' levels when they enter waterways - over one fifth of water used to grow non-organic cotton is used for this purpose. This is not the case for organic cotton because hazardous synthetic pesticides are banned in organic farming.
The way cotton is watered - most organic cotton is grown in rain-fed areas, this mean farmers rely on rain to water their cotton, instead of having to extract water from the ground which can put pressure on water supplies in local communities.
Cwestiynau cyffredin
Pa becyn ddylwn i ei ddewis?
Mae'r pecyn Cegin yn lle da i ddechrau. Mae 3 deunydd lapio, un bach, canolig a mawr (20, 25 a 30cm). Mae hyn yn golygu bod gennych ddeunydd lapio am bron bob un posibilrwydd, boed ydych yn eu defnyddio yn y gegin neu mewn pecynnau bwyd. Y pecyn Brechdan yw'r deunydd lapio mawr gyda botwm pren a llinyn ar gyfer mwy o ddiogelwch lapio. Yn berffaith ar gyfer cadw byrbrydau a chinio yn ddiogel pan gânt eu taflu i'ch bag gyda phopeth arall!
​Os ydych chi wrth eich bodd gyda’r amlapiau mawr, edrychwch ar ein pecyn cegin maint mwy lle gallwch ddewis eich tri hoff ffabrig.
Am ba mor hir maen nhw’n para?
Dylent bara am hyd at flwyddyn (hyd yn oed yn fwy o bosibl) gyda'r gofal cywir ac adnewyddu achlysurol. Daw cyfarwyddiadau gofal ac adnewyddu gyda phob pecyn.
A yw’n bosibl eu hail-ddefnyddio?
Ydi! Golchwch nhw, gadewch nhw i sychu a gallwch eu defnyddio dro ar ôl tro.
Sut ydw i'n eu golchi?
Golchwch nhw mewn dŵr sebonllyd oer. Rwy'n defnyddio brwsh golchi llestri naturiol neu glwtyn ac yna'n eu rinsio a’u hongian i sychu neu byddaf yn eu gadael i sychu ar y bwrdd diferu. (YouTube)
Ydyn nhw'n glynu at ei gilydd fel clingfilm?
Ydyn! Mae'r cŵyr gwenyn yn ein hamlapiau yn eu gwneud yn ludiog i raddau, ond mae'r cyfuniad cyfrinachol o resin pinwydd ac olew jojoba yn eu gwneud yn fwy gludiog a hyblyg. Maen nhw'n glynu at ochr powlenni ac yn glynu wrthyn nhw eu hunain wrth lapio eitemau fel caws a brechdanau.
Sut ydw i'n eu defnyddio nhw?
Maent yn amlbwrpas iawn. I orchuddio powlen, rhowch yr amlapiad dros y top a defnyddiwch wres eich dwylo i fowldio'r amlapiad i ochrau'r bowlen. Neu rhowch eich eitem o fwyd yng nghanol yr amlapiad a phlygwch y corneli i mewn i orchuddio'r bwyd yn llwyr ac unwaith eto, mowldiwch yr amlapiad o’i amgylch i roi sêl gyflawn iddo. Maen nhw'n wych ar gyfer pob math o eitemau fel caws, hanner avocado, afal neu nionyn, brechdanau, cacen neu gallwch wneud pecyn i gario byrbrydau fel cnau, ffyn moron neu losin!
Mae fideos o sut i ddefnyddio’r amlapiau a sut i greu pecynnau ar gael ar ein tudalen Facebook a sianel YouTube.
Allan o beth mae’r amlapiau wedi cael eu creu?
Mae ein deunydd lapio'n cael eu gwneud gyda chŵyr gwenyn lleol o Ynys Môn, resin pinwydd ac olew jojoba organig. Mae'r cyfuniad arbennig hwn yn gwneud y deunydd lapio'n hynod o ludiog ac yn hawdd iawn i'w ddefnyddio.
Cotwm yw’r deunydd ac mae'r deunydd pecynnu'n dod o bren ardystiedig FSC i sicrhau ei fod yn gynaliadwy.
Ble maen nhw'n cael eu gwneud?
Mae ein holl gynnyrch yn cael eu gwneud â llaw yma ar Ynys Môn yng Ngogledd Cymru. Daw'r cŵyr gwenyn o ddeng milltir i lawr y ffordd, daw'r deunydd pecynnu o gwmni lleol ac mae sefydliad lleol wedi helpu gyda'r cyfieithiad i wneud yr holl becynnau'n ddwyieithog.
Alla i eu rhoi yn y microdon a'r peiriant golchi llestri?
Na a Na!
Bydd y gwres yn toddi'r cŵyr gwenyn ac yn difetha eich amlapiad. Mae'n debyg bydd y peiriant golchi llestri a’r microdon wedi’u difetha hefyd!
A oes unrhyw beth na allaf ei orchuddio gyda’r amlapiadau?
Cig a physgod amrwd neu fwyd a phowlenni poeth.
Beth ddylwn i ei wneud gyda'r amlapiau pan fyddan nhw'n stopio glynu at bethau?
Gallwch adnewyddu'r amlapiau yn unol â’r cyfarwyddiadau ar y deunydd pecynnu i’w gwneud yn ludiog unwaith eto. Yn y pen draw, bydd angen i chi naill ai eu hail-gwyro gyda'n blociau ail-gwyro. Neu gallwch eu rhoi yn y bin compost, eu defnyddio i oleuo tân ac yna prynu rhai newydd!