After you have been using your wraps for a while you may notice that they look a little bit creased and have started to lose a bit of their stick factor. And if you are anything like me, an un-sticky wrap just isn't good enough! But fear not, your wrap has many months of life left in it, it just needs a refresh. Here is your step by step guide on how to refresh your wax wraps.
You have a couple of options, you can use the oven method, which is what I use. Or the ironing method which I know a lot of people prefer. So here goes with all the info you need...
The Oven method
Heat your oven to 120 degrees Celsius.
Place a piece of greaseproof paper on a preheated baking tray and place your wrap onto the greaseproof paper. If you have our Big Wrap you may need to fold it in half for it to fit.
Place into the middle of the oven. Always stay in the kitchen and watch the oven during this process. Don't get distracted!
As soon as the wax has heated and melted (about one minute) take the tray out of the oven immediately and peel the fabric away from the paper. If you have folded the wrap make sure you unfold it at this point.
Waft the fabric over the tray (so you don't get wax on your floor) until it cools and hardens, now your wrap will be sticky and ready to use again.
The Iron method
Cut two pieces of greaseproof paper that are at least 2" bigger than the wrap you are refreshing.
Set up your ironing board or work surface with an old towel to cover the area you will be using.
Place your wrap between the two pieces of paper and place them on your ironing board or work surface. If you have our Big Wrap, you may choose to fold the wrap to make this task easier.
Turn your iron on to a low setting and switch the steam setting to off.
Press the iron onto the greaseproof paper and hold until the wax starts to melt and then move the iron to the next part, continue to do this until all the wax has melted.
Before the wax starts to cool and harden, remove the top piece of paper and then peel the fabric away from the bottom piece (unfolding the wrap if you chose to fold it) and then waft the wrap until it cools and hardens. Your wrap is now refreshed!
To refresh your waxed bread bags, heat the oven as per instructions above. Scrunch up some greaseproof paper and place inside the bag (to stop the sides sticking to themselves as the wax heats up). Place the bag on a piece of greaseproof paper on a baking tray and place in the oven for a minute or two. Just long enough for the wax to melt. Then remove the bag and gently waft before carefully removing the greaseproof paper before the wax cools enough that the greaseproof paper sticks to the bag. Waft again until cool.
With both methods, children should be supervised at all times as the wax, oven and iron will be hot.
Never leave the area you are refreshing your wraps during the process and do not leave the wrap in the oven for any longer than necessary or leave the iron on unattended.
If you do get wax on the floor or work surfaces, the best way to clean it up is with a hair dryer! Use the hairdryer to melt the wax and wipe clean with an old cloth or paper towel.
When refreshing your wraps no longer works, you could rewax them with our wax blocks, or tear them up and use them as firelighters or put them in your home compost.
Sut i adnewyddu eich amlapiau!
Ar ôl i chi ddefnyddio eich deunydd lapio am gyfnod o amser, efallai y byddwch yn sylwi ei fod yn edrych wedi crychu ychydig, ac wedi dechrau colli ei nodwedd ludiog. Ac os ydych chi'n debyg i mi, nid yw deunydd lapio nad yw'n ludiog yn ddigon da! Ond peidiwch â phoeni, mae misoedd o fywyd ar ôl yn eich deunydd lapio, ond rhaid ei adnewyddu.
Mae gennych ychydig o opsiynau, gallwch ddefnyddio'r dull popty, sef y dull yr wyf i'n ei ddefnyddio. Neu'r dull smwddio, y mae llawer o bobl yn ei ffafrio. Felly dyma'r holl wybodaeth sydd ei hangen arnoch...
Y dull popty
Cynheswch eich popty i 120 gradd Celsius.
Rhowch ddarn o bapur gwrthsaim ar hambwrdd pobi digon mawr a rhowch eich deunydd lapio ar y papur gwrthsaim. Os oes gennych chi ein Pecyn Mawr ni, efallai y bydd angen i chi ei blygu yn ei hanner er mwyn iddo ffitio.
Rhowch ef yng nghanol y popty am ychydig funudau. Arhoswch yn y gegin a gwyliwch y popty yn ystod y broses hon. Peidiwch â thynnu eich sylw oddi arno!
Pan fydd y cwyr wedi cynhesu a thoddi, tynnwch yr hambwrdd o'r popty a chrafwch y deunydd oddi ar y papur. Os wnaethoch chi blygu'r ffabrig, gwnewch yn siŵr eich bod yn ei agor nawr.
Chwifiwch y deunydd dros yr hambwrdd (rhag i chi gael cwyr ar y llawr) nes iddo oeri a chaledu, a nawr bydd eich deunydd lapio yn ludiog ac yn barod i'w ddefnyddio eto.
Y dull smwddio
Torrwch ddau ddarn o bapur gwrthsaim yn 2" yn fwy na'r darn deunydd lapio yr ydych yn ei adnewyddu.
Gosodwch eich bwrdd smwddio neu arwyneb gwaith, gyda hen liain i orchuddio'r ardal y byddwch yn ei defnyddio.
Gosodwch eich deunydd lapio rhwng y ddau ddarn o bapur a'u rhoi ar eich bwrdd smwddio neu arwyneb gwaith. Os oes gennych chi ein Amlapiad Mawr ni, efallai y byddwch chi'n dewis plygu'r amlapiad i wneud y dasg hon yn haws.
Rhowch eich haearn ar osodiad isel a diffoddwch y stêm.
Pwyswch yr haearn ar y papur gwrthsaim a'i ddal yno nes i'r cwyr ddechrau toddi ac yna symudwch yr haearn i'r rhan nesaf. Parhewch gyda hyn nes bod yr holl gwyr wedi toddi.
Cyn i'r cwyr ddechrau oeri a chaledu, tynnwch y darn uchaf o bapur ac yna crafwch y deunydd oddi ar y darn gwaelod, (agor y ffabrig os wnaethoch chi ddewis i’w blygu) y deunydd lapio nes iddo oeri a chaledu. Mae eich deunydd lapio bellach wedi'i adnewyddu!
Gyda'r ddau ddull, dylid goruchwylio plant drwy'r amser gan fod y cwyr, popty a'r haearn yn boeth.
Peidiwch byth â gadael yr ardal yr ydych yn ei defnyddio i adnewyddu eich deunydd lapio yn ystod y broses a pheidiwch â gadael y deunydd lapio yn y popty yn hirach nag sydd angen na gadael yr haearn heb oruchwyliaeth.
Os ydych chi'n cael cwyr ar y llawr neu arwynebau gwaith, y ffordd orau i'w lanhau yw gyda sychwr gwallt! Defnyddiwch y sychwr gwallt i doddi'r cwyr a'i lanhau gyda hen gadach neu dyweli papur.