Why Us?
Because our wraps are awesome! For us, the quality of the wrap is one of the most important factors when deciding who to buy from. Sally's perfectionist, must get it right, personality causes her all sorts of headaches sometimes! But it does mean that when it comes to our wraps you can be assured that these have been thoroughly tested, improved upon and tweaked until they were perfect!
We know they are great, but here is what some of our wonderful customers have said about our products.

5 star reusable make up removers

5 star review for sandwich wraps

DIY kit review

5 star reusable make up removers
What makes us different?

There are a lot of wraps available on the market and some of them are very good (although maybe not as good as ours!) so how are ours different?
They are super sticky but not sticky to the touch. You could say they have exactly the right amount of stick. They are also really flexible so mould around anything and create a great seal to keep your food fresh for longer.
The wraps stay sticky for a long time, then when they do lose their stick you can refresh them to bring their stick back. All the info for how to do this can be found here.
All our packaging is bilingual, with Welsh and English on either side of the packaging. So if you live in Wales, speak Welsh or know someone who would love a Welsh language gift, these are perfect. Even better, they are made by hand, here in Wales using local beeswax.
The DIY kit for kids was developed with a teacher and writer of children's educational books and have been featured in the Primary Science Journal. Its a great fun craft project with some learning hidden within!
Our green credentials
We started making beeswax wraps to reduce our plastic use. It was part of our efforts to do what we could to benefit the beautiful environment around us, for now and for the future. So it was really important that we made sure we were as 'green' as we could be within the business and as a household.
Cutting out plastic as far as we could was the start of our eco journey, but the story of being sustainable is so much more complex than that. It isn't easy to get it right all the time, but we are doing everything that we can to keep learning and improving.
At home
Sally is the recycling police at home. Everything gets sorted and put in the right box! Although as much as possible gets reused, repurposed or passed on to someone else before it hits the recycling pile!
As much as we can we have replaced everyday items with plastic free alternatives. Bars of soap, shampoo bars, bamboo toothbrushes, washable dishcloths...
We are lucky to have a few liquid refill shops for cleaning products nearby and zero waste shops relatively close for our loose, dried foods. We shop locally as much as we can and are passionate about supporting other small businesses. We are not perfect but we have made a lot of changes and keep finding new ways to live an even more sustainable life.
In our new home we will be able to grow a lot more of our own food, the plan is to make our own composts and have no dig beds.
Pam ni?
Am fod ein amlapiau’n anhygoel! I ni, ansawdd y lapio yw un o'r ffactorau pwysicaf wrth benderfynu gan bwy i brynu. Mae Sally yn berffeithydd, mae’n rhaid iddi gael y peth yn gywir bob tro ac mae hyn yn achosi cur pen o bob math iddi weithiau! Ond, mae hynny'n golygu y gallwch chi deimlo’n dawel eich meddwl bod ein amlapiau wedi eu profi'n drylwyr, eu gwella a'u haddasu nes eu bod nhw’n berffaith!
Rydyn ni'n gwybod eu bod nhw'n wych, ond dyma ddywedodd rhai o'n cwsmeriaid hyfryd am ein cynnyrch.
Mae llawer o amlapiau i’w cael ar y farchnad ac mae rhai ohonyn nhw'n dda iawn (er nad ydyn nhw efallai cystal â'n rhai ni!). Felly sut mae ein rhai ni'n wahanol?
Maen nhw’n hynod o ludiog ond nid yn ludiog i'w cyffwrdd. Gallech chi ddweud eu bod nhw’n glynu at y pethau cywir. Maen nhw hefyd yn wirioneddol hyblyg felly maen nhw’n mowldio o gwmpas unrhyw beth ac yn creu sêl wych i gadw'ch bwyd yn ffres.
Mae'r amlapiau'n aros yn ludiog am amser hir, yna pan fyddan nhw’n colli eu gallu i ludo gallwch eu hadnewyddu i’w gwneud nhw’n ludiog eto. Mae'r holl wybodaeth ynglÅ·n â sut i wneud hynny i’w chael yma.
Mae ein deunydd pacio i gyd yn ddwyieithog, gyda'r Gymraeg a'r Saesneg ar y naill ochr i'r pecynnau. Felly os ydych chi'n byw yng Nghymru, yn siarad Cymraeg neu'n adnabod rhywun a fyddai wrth ei fodd ag anrheg Gymraeg, mae'r rhain yn berffaith. Yn well na hynny, maen nhw’n cael eu creu â llaw yma yng Nghymru gan ddefnyddio cwyr gwenyn lleol.
Mae gennym becyn i blant eu gwneud eu hunain. Cafodd hwn ei ddatblygu gydag athro ac awdur llyfrau addysgol i blant ac mae wedi cael sylw yn y Primary Science Journal. Mae'n brosiect hwyliog gwych sy’n eich dysgu heb i chi sylwi!

Dechreuon ni wneud amlapiau cwyr gwenyn i leihau ein defnydd o blastig yn rhan o'n hymdrechion i wneud yr hyn a allem er budd yr amgylchedd hardd sydd o'n cwmpas, yn awr ac yn y dyfodol. Felly roedd hi’n bwysig iawn i ni sicrhau ein bod mor 'wyrdd' ag y gallem fod, fel busnes ac fel cartref.
Rhoi’r gorau i ddefnyddio plastig cyn belled ag y gallem oedd cam cyntaf ein taith eco ond mae ein stori am fod yn gynaliadwy’n ymestyn yn llawer pellach na hynny. Dydy hi ddim yn hawdd cael y peth yn iawn bob tro, ond rydyn ni’n gwneud popeth o fewn ein gallu i ddal ati i ddysgu a gwella.